Elderton Office hours

Tues & Thurs: 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM & 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Friday: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Indiana Office hours

Mon & Weds: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM & 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Organo Coffee Products

When you indulge in Organo Coffee, you’re not just savoring a rich, aromatic cup of coffee; you’re experiencing the unique benefits of Ganoderma lucidum, a renowned mushroom celebrated for its health-promoting properties. Sourced from the finest regions, our coffee is infused with the essence of this ancient ingredient, offering a unique blend of taste and wellness. Organo Coffee is more than a beverage; it’s a step towards a healthier, more balanced life, inviting you to discover the power of nature with every sip.

Black Coffee

Experience the aroma of freshly made black coffee in an instant with Organo™ Gourmet Black Coffee. Connoisseurs will appreciate the medium dark roast, smooth flavor, which is enhanced with antioxidant rich organic Ganoderma lucidum. Awaken your senses and enrich your day with Organo coffee that is as flavorful as it is

A classic gourmet coffee for traditional black coffee lovers.

  • Naturally contains antioxidants to help and defend your health.
  • Contains organic Ganoderma lucidum, used in Chinese tradition for its immune benefits.
  • Portable and convenient to carry, for on the go instant coffee benefits.
  • Gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, nut free, vegan, certified Halal
King Coffee

Organo™ Premium Gourmet Organic King of Coffee is a rich medium dark arabica roast organic black coffee with the rare and delicate spores of the organic Ganoderma mushroom which are packed full with nutrients and antioxidants. We blend these tiny powerhouse spores into our bold, flavorful and rich organic arabica coffee to help boost and support your immune system. Each cup is packed with flavor and antioxidants. 

  • Certified organic arabica coffee.
  • Contains rare organic Ganoderma lucidum spores powder, used for thousands of years for its immune benefits.
  • Naturally contains antioxidants to help and defend your health.
  • Portable and convenient to carry, for on the go instant coffee benefits.
  • Gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, nut free, vegan, certified halal
Royal Coffee

ORGANO’s Gourmet ROYAL Black Coffee contains arabica coffee beans from Colombia and Brazil, grown to bring that smooth profile and hints of chocolate we all love, and rich in antioxidants for a perfect brew. With a rich and robust flavor packed into each cup, this coffee provides healthy nutrients and antioxidants found in coffee, enhanced with the benefits of the Triple Mushroom blend of Ganoderma, Cordyceps, and Lion’s Mane. This exclusive Triple Mushroom Blend supports a strong immune system, boosts energy and stamina, and enhances cognitive function. Combine that with the smooth and rich flavors of our gourmet coffee, wrap it in a single serve packet, and enjoy nutritional benefits and premium taste in every cup!Certified organic arabica coffee. 

The mushrooms in your Gourmet Royal Black Coffee are:

  • Certified Organic, Vegan, Gluten Free, Non-GMO
  • Pesticide Free, Non-Irradiated, BSE/TSE Free
  • Melamine free, Residual Solvent Free
  • Grown with multi-patented fermentation & cultivation processes
  • Grown on exclusive Non-GMO purple corn